About us

Our company, the DDTG Nonprofit Kft. was established in 2001. It deals primarily with making feasibility studies, writing applications, managing projects to help the SMEs, local governments and public companies of the region, supports the SMEs financial to improve the region's employment and economics situation. Our primary aims are to improve the economic competitiveness of South-Transdanubian Region and to foster the social cohesion to the level of high-performing EU states. 

Contact: ddtgnonprofit@gmail.com


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Tender references:

National support:

- Gyógyszálló Zrt. - "Expension of Thermal Hotel Harkány" - DDOP-2.1.2. Accommodation development (2008)

- Corso Hotel Pécs Kft. - "Corso Hotel Pécs**** Hotel" - DDOP-2.1.2. Accommodation development (2008)

- Baranya Megyei Önkormányzat - "Tour of experience of Baranya country" - DDOP-2.1.1/A-2f-2009 (2008)

- Europe for Citizens PROGRAM 2007-2013, Strand 2.- 2.1. Measure "Town-twinning" preparing 5 tenders (2014-2015)

Under the HU-HR IPA Cross-border Cooperation Programme:

- acronym: "DESONE" project, HUHR/1001/2.1.4/0006 own project (2010)

- name of the project: "Promotion of common heritage for joint touristic development" -

HUHR/1101 (2012)

- acronym: "Cross-border wine routes" - HUHR/1101 (2012)

Projectmanagement references: 

National support:

- Orfű-Pécsi Tó Regionális Fejlesztő és Üzemeltető Kht. - "Pearls of Mecsek from "Jakab" mountain to "Völgység" stream"- ROP 1.1. Tourism Attraction development (2006)

Total budget of the project was: 1.050.635.130.-Ft

- Corso Hotel Pécs Kft. - "Corso Hotel Pécs" - DDOP-2.1.2. Accommodation development (2008-2010)

The total budget of the project was: 1.628.721.807.-Ft

- Kreatív Start Kft. - "Creation of Creative Incubator House" DDOP-2007-1.1.1. (2008-2009)

The total budget of the project was: 237.874.837.-Ft

- Szociális és Gyermekvédelmi Főigazgatóság - "Improvement of cultural life of City of Szekszárd with the renewal of County Hall and its district" DDOP-4.1.1-2009 (2010-2014)

The total budget of the project was: 830.863.792-Ft

- Europe for Citizens PROGRAM 2007-2013, Strand 2.- 2.1. Measure "Town-twinning" (2014)

The total budget of the project was: 7.500.-EUR

Under CE program:

- acronym: "VISNOVA" project, 3CE359P3 own project (2011-2014)

The total budget concerning to the project partner was: 154.385.-EUR

The total budget of the project was: 2.745.661.-EUR

Under the HU-HR IPA Cross-border Cooperation Programme:

- "Networking the Multimedia Cultural Center in Support of Cross-Border Cooperation" HUHR/1001/2.2.3/0004 project (2011-2013)

The total budget concerning to the project partner was: 41.180,20.-EUR

The total budget of the project was: 109.202,20.-EUR

- Mecseki Borrend Egyesület "Cross-border wine routes" - HUHR/1101/1.2.3./0029 (2013)

The total budget concerning to the project partner was: 48.720.-EUR

The total budget of the project was: 436.105.-EUR

- acronym: "DESONE" project, HUHR/1001/2.1.4/0006 - our own project, where our company was the Lead Partner (2011-2012)

The total budget concerning to the project partner was: 58.011.-EUR

The total budget of the project was: 97.561,04.-EUR

DDTG Dél-Dunántúli Terület- és Gazdaságfejlesztő Szolgáltató Nonprofit Kft. 7625 Pécs, dr. Majorossy I utca 36.
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